Below you will find detail around the contacts Stotles provides from each of our sources:
Contacts exportable from the Stotles app (i.e. directly visible in buyer profiles):
- Source: These contacts are collected directly from the procurement documents published by the public sector buyers (e.g., see contact details at the bottom of this page)
- Compliance & usage: As the type of outreach in question is business-to-business in nature, using these details for outreach is compliant on the legal basis of Legitimate Interests. In this case the legitimacy of the outreach is dependent on a number of factors (there is a 3 part test for this), including what message/content, frequency, opt out measures etc. of messages are being sent. Generally speaking, if you are conducting reasonable outreach that is relevant to the contacts professional capacity, you fall within the bounds of legitimate interest.
From a practical point of view, we see that contacting these individuals for biz dev / marketing purposes is common practice - so common in fact, that we would recommend that you use the more targeted contacts to avoid being "lost in the noise".
Enhanced contacts (i.e. when requested from the buyer profiles):
- Source: We work with our data partner Oscar Research for these contacts
- Compliance & usage: These contacts are GDPR compliant. You can read Oscar's GDPR Q&A document here, and the full terms of data usage here. ****Our privacy policy can be found here.
- Frequently asked questions:
- What is the Oscar Dataset?
- Where does the Oscar Dataset come from?
- What information does Oscar provide to the data subjects at the point of collection?
- Does Oscar obtain consent for the use of the data?
- Has the Oscar Data been screened against telephone preference service, or other marketing databases?